How Long To Cook Lamb In Pressure Cooker: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How Long To Cook Lamb In Pressure Cooker

If you’re a fan of tender, succulent lamb dishes, then you know that it can be a challenge to achieve that perfect texture when cooking lamb. One cooking method that can help you achieve the desired result is using a pressure cooker. In this article, we’ll discuss how to cook lamb in a pressure cooker and the ideal cooking time for different cuts of lamb.

Understanding Pressure Cooking

Pressure cooking is a method of cooking that uses steam to cook food quickly. A pressure cooker works by trapping steam in a sealed pot, which raises the temperature inside and speeds up cooking times. Pressure cooking is an excellent method for cooking lamb because it helps to break down the tough fibers and connective tissue, resulting in tender, juicy meat.

Benefits Of Cooking Lamb In A Pressure Cooker

Benefits Of Cooking Lamb In A Pressure Cooker

Cooking lamb in a pressure cooker has many benefits, including:

  • Reduced cooking time: Lamb cooked in a pressure cooker takes significantly less time than traditional cooking methods.
  • Retained nutrients: Pressure cooking preserves more nutrients than other cooking methods, making it an excellent choice for health-conscious individuals.
  • Tender meat: The high pressure and steam in a pressure cooker help break down the fibers and connective tissue in the lamb, resulting in tender, juicy meat.
  • Infused flavor: Cooking lamb in a pressure cooker allows the flavors to infuse into the meat, resulting in a more flavorful dish.

Preparing The Lamb For Pressure Cooking

Before cooking the lamb, it’s essential to prepare it properly. First, trim off any excess fat or silver skin. Then, season the lamb with salt, pepper, and any other herbs or spices of your choice.

Cooking Time For Different Cuts Of Lamb In A Pressure Cooker

The cooking time for lamb in a pressure cooker varies depending on the cut of lamb you’re cooking. Here are the recommended cooking times for different cuts of lamb in a pressure cooker:

Lamb Chops

  • Bone-in lamb chops: Cook for 6 to 8 minutes on high pressure.
  • Boneless lamb chops: Cook for 3 to 5 minutes on high pressure.

Lamb Shoulder

  • Bone-in lamb shoulder: Cook for 60 to 75 minutes on high pressure.
  • Boneless lamb shoulder: Cook for 45 to 60 minutes on high pressure.

Lamb Shanks

  • Lamb shanks: Cook for 60 to 75 minutes on high pressure.

Natural Release Vs. Quick Release

After the lamb has finished cooking, you’ll need to release the pressure. There are two ways to do this: natural release and quick release.

  • Natural release: This method involves allowing the pressure to release on its own over time. This can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Quick release: This method involves manually releasing the pressure using the pressure release valve on your pressure cooker. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for releasing pressure safely.

For most cuts of lamb, it’s recommended to use the natural release method to prevent the meat from becoming tough.

Tips For Perfect Pressure Cooked Lamb

Tips For Perfect Pressure Cooked Lamb

Here are some tips to keep in mind when pressure cooking lamb:

  • Use a meat thermometer to ensure that the lamb has reached a safe internal temperature of 145°F.
  • Allow the pressure cooker to release pressure naturally to avoid overcooking the lamb.
  • For a crisp exterior, sear the lamb before pressure cooking it.
  • Use a natural flavouring agent like wine, vinegar, or citrus juice to add depth to the flavour of your lamb.

How To Serve Pressure Cooked Lamb?

There are many ways to serve pressure cooked lamb, depending on your preference. Here are a few ideas:

  • Serve it with roasted vegetables and mashed potatoes.
  • Use it in a lamb curry or stew.
  • Slice it thinly and serve it in a sandwich or wrap.
  • Serve it with rice and a side salad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is pressure cooking lamb safe?

Yes, pressure cooking lamb is safe as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and cook the lamb to a safe internal temperature of 145°F.

Can I use frozen lamb in a pressure cooker?

Yes, you can use frozen lamb in a pressure cooker. However, you’ll need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

How do I know when the lamb is done in a pressure cooker?

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the lamb. It should read 145°F for safe consumption.

How do I prevent the lamb from becoming tough in a pressure cooker?

Allow the pressure cooker to release pressure naturally instead of using quick release to prevent the lamb from becoming tough.

Can I add vegetables to my lamb when pressure cooking it?

Yes, you can add vegetables to your lamb when pressure cooking it. Just be sure to adjust the cooking time accordingly.


Pressure cooking is a fantastic way to cook lamb quickly and efficiently. With these tips and recommended cooking times, you can achieve succulent, tender lamb dishes that your family and friends will love. So, next time you’re looking to cook lamb, try using a pressure cooker and see the difference it makes.

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