How to Clean a Meat Slicer: Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Clean a Meat Slicer

If you’re a fan of deli meats, then you know how important a clean meat slicer is. A meat slicer can quickly become stained and full of bacteria if it’s not properly cleaned. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean a meat slicer so that it stays in top condition.

Why cleaning a meat slicer is important?

Meat slicers are often used to slice raw meat, which can harbor harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. If not cleaned properly, these bacteria can grow and spread to other foods, causing foodborne illnesses. It’s essential to regularly clean and sanitize your meat slicer to prevent contamination and ensure food safety.

What you’ll need to clean a meat slicer

Before getting started, gather the following items:

  • Warm, soapy water
  • Clean cloths or sponges
  • Sanitizer solution (such as a mixture of water and bleach or a commercial sanitizer)
  • Gloves
  • Safety goggles

Cleaning A Meat Slicer: A Step-By-Step Guide

It is important to clean your meat slicer on a regular basis to ensure food safety and prevent the spread of bacteria. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean a meat slicer:

Preparing the meat slicer for cleaning

First, unplug the meat slicer and make sure it has cooled down completely. Then, remove any remaining meat or debris from the slicer by wiping it down with a dry cloth. Next, turn the blade adjustment knob until the blade is completely closed, and set the gauge plate to zero.

Disassembling the meat slicer

To clean a meat slicer thoroughly, you’ll need to disassemble it. Start by removing the blade guard and placing it in warm, soapy water. Then, remove the blade by unscrewing the center bolt and carefully lifting the blade off the slicer. Finally, remove the meat carriage, gauge plate, and food pusher and place them in the warm, soapy water.

Cleaning the meat slicer blade

Clean the meat slicer blade by using a clean cloth or sponge to wipe it down with warm, soapy water. Be sure to clean both sides of the blade, as well as the edges. Avoid using abrasive sponges or scouring pads, as these can damage the blade. Rinse the blade with clean water and dry it with a clean cloth.

Cleaning the meat carriage, gauge plate, and food pusher

Clean the meat carriage, gauge plate, and food pusher by using a clean cloth or sponge to wipe them down with warm, soapy water. Be sure to clean all the crevices and corners where meat and debris can accumulate. Rinse the parts with clean water and dry them with a clean cloth.

Sanitizing the meat slicer

Sanitize the meat slicer by using a commercial sanitizer or a mixture of water and bleach. Follow the instructions on the sanitizer label for the correct dilution and contact time. Wear gloves and safety goggles when handling the sanitizer solution, and make sure to thoroughly rinse and dry all parts after sanitizing.

Reassembling the meat slicer

Once all the parts are cleaned and sanitized, reassemble the meat slicer in the reverse order of disassembly. Make sure the blade is properly aligned and tightened, and the gauge plate is set to the correct thickness. Double-check all parts to ensure they are properly installed and secure.

Cleaning a Meat Slicer: Tips and Tricks

To keep your meat slicer in good condition and prevent contamination, there are a few additional cleaning tips to keep in mind:

  • Always clean the meat slicer after each use, even if you only sliced one type of meat.
  • Use a food-safe lubricant to keep the blade running smoothly.
  • Regularly inspect the blade for signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary.
  • Store the meat slicer in a clean, dry location to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.


Can I use vinegar to sanitize my meat slicer?

No, vinegar is not recommended for sanitizing a meat slicer as it is not strong enough to kill harmful bacteria.

Can I clean my meat slicer with a pressure washer?

No, a pressure washer is not recommended for cleaning a meat slicer as it can damage the parts and potentially cause contamination.

How often should I replace my meat slicer blade?

It depends on how often you use the meat slicer and the type of meats you are slicing. A dull or damaged blade can increase the risk of contamination and decrease the quality of the slices. It’s recommended to inspect the blade regularly and replace it as needed.

Can I use a regular cleaning solution to clean my meat slicer?

No, it’s important to use a food-safe cleaning solution specifically designed for use on meat slicers. Regular cleaning solutions may contain harsh chemicals that can damage the parts or leave behind a residue that can contaminate the meat.

Is it necessary to disassemble the meat slicer for cleaning?

Yes, it’s important to disassemble the meat slicer for thorough cleaning and sanitizing. Food particles and bacteria can easily build up in hard-to-reach areas, so disassembling the parts allows for a more thorough cleaning.

How do I know if my meat slicer needs cleaning?

If you notice any visible signs of food debris or discoloration on the blade or other parts of the meat slicer, it’s time for cleaning. Additionally, if you haven’t used the meat slicer in a while, it’s recommended to clean it before using it again.

Can I use a sponge or cloth to clean the blade?

No, it’s not recommended to use a sponge or cloth to clean the blade as it can leave behind fibers or residue that can contaminate the meat. Use a food-safe cleaning brush or a specially designed blade cleaning tool.

Can I clean my meat slicer with hot water?

Hot water can be used to help loosen food debris, but it’s not enough to thoroughly clean and sanitize the meat slicer. It’s important to use a food-safe cleaning solution and follow the recommended contact time and dilution.

Can I use a meat slicer to slice cheese?

Yes, a meat slicer can be used to slice cheese, but it’s important to clean and sanitize it thoroughly between different types of meats and cheeses to prevent contamination.

How do I know if my meat slicer is properly sanitized?

You can use a food-safe sanitizing test kit to ensure that your meat slicer is properly sanitized. These kits measure the concentration of sanitizing solution to ensure it meets the recommended level for killing bacteria.


Cleaning and sanitizing your meat slicer is essential for preventing contamination and ensuring food safety. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your meat slicer in good condition and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Remember to clean your meat slicer after each use, and regularly inspect and maintain the blade for optimal performance.

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