How To Cook A Delicious Gammon Joint In A Slow Cooker?

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How To Cook A Delicious Gammon Joint In A Slow Cooker

Are you tired of dry and tough gammon joints? Look no further than your trusty slow cooker! Cooking gammon in a slow cooker is an easy and foolproof way to ensure a succulent and flavorful result. In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to cook a delicious gammon joint in a slow cooker.

How To Cook A Delicious Gammon Joint In A Slow Cooker?

How To Cook A Delicious Gammon Joint In Slow Cooker

Cooking a gammon joint in a slow cooker is a great way to achieve succulent, tender meat without much fuss. Not only is it a time-saver, but it’s also incredibly easy to prepare. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or just looking for a comforting meal, a slow-cooked gammon joint is a perfect choice.

What Is A Gammon Joint?

Gammon is a cured meat that comes from the hind legs of a pig. The term “gammon joint” refers to a cut of meat that includes both the ham and the rind. This cut is typically sold as a whole joint, which can weigh anywhere between 1kg and 3kg.

Choosing The Right Gammon Joint

When choosing a gammon joint, it’s important to consider the size and quality of the meat. Look for a joint that is evenly shaped and has a good layer of fat. Avoid joints that are too small or too large, as they may not cook evenly in the slow cooker.

Preparing The Gammon Joint

Before cooking, soak the gammon joint in cold water for at least 2 hours to remove excess salt. Once soaked, remove the joint from the water and pat dry with a clean towel. If the joint has a rind, use a sharp knife to score it in a diamond pattern.

Preparing The Slow Cooker

To prepare the slow cooker, add a layer of chopped vegetables such as carrots, onions, and celery to the bottom. This will create a bed for the gammon joint to sit on and add flavour to the cooking liquid. Pour in enough water or stock to cover the vegetables and add any desired seasonings such as bay leaves, peppercorns, or herbs.

Cooking The Gammon Joint

Place the gammon joint on top of the vegetables and liquid in the slow cooker. Cover with the lid and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the meat is cooked through and tender. Once cooked, remove the gammon joint from the slow cooker and allow it to rest for 10-15 minutes before carving.

Adding Flavour

If you want to add extra flavour to the gammon joint, you can glaze it with a mixture of honey, mustard, and brown sugar. Brush the glaze over the joint and place it under the grill for a few minutes until caramelised.

Serving Suggestions

A slow-cooked gammon joint is perfect for serving as part of a roast dinner, or for using in sandwiches or salads. Serve with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or steamed greens.

Leftovers And Storage

If you have leftovers, store the gammon joint in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Alternatively, you can freeze the meat for up to 3 months.

Tips And Tricks For Cooking Gammon In A Slow Cooker

Tips And Tricks For Cooking Gammon In A Slow Cooker

  • Soaking the gammon joint in cold water before cooking helps to remove excess salt and ensures that the meat is not too salty.
  • Using a layer of vegetables in the slow cooker not only adds flavour but also helps to prevent the gammon joint from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  • Adding herbs, spices or aromatics to the cooking liquid can infuse the gammon joint with more flavour.
  • If you don’t have time to soak the gammon joint, you can boil it in a pot of water for 5-10 minutes before adding it to the slow cooker.
  • For a crispy and caramelised finish, you can brush the gammon joint with a mixture of honey, mustard and brown sugar before grilling it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Choosing a gammon joint that is too small or too large can result in uneven cooking.
  • Not removing the rind before cooking can make it tough and difficult to chew.
  • Adding too much liquid to the slow cooker can result in a watery and flavourless dish.
  • Not seasoning the gammon joint enough can result in a bland flavour.


How long does it take to cook a gammon joint in a slow cooker?

It takes approximately 6-8 hours on low heat to cook a gammon joint in a slow cooker.

Can I add vegetables to the slow cooker when cooking a gammon joint?

Yes, adding a layer of chopped vegetables such as carrots, onions and celery to the bottom of the slow cooker can add flavour and create a bed for the gammon joint to sit on.

Can I freeze leftover gammon joint?

Yes, you can freeze leftover gammon joint for up to 3 months in an airtight container.

Can I cook a gammon joint in a pressure cooker?

Yes, a gammon joint can also be cooked in a pressure cooker for a quicker cooking time, but the method may differ from slow cooking.

What can I serve with a gammon joint?

A gammon joint is perfect for serving as part of a roast dinner, or for using in sandwiches or salads. Serve with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes or steamed greens.


Cooking a gammon joint in a slow cooker is a convenient and delicious way to enjoy a succulent and tender meat dish. With the right gammon joint, preparation and cooking method, you can achieve a mouth-watering dish that will impress your family and friends. Follow these simple steps and tips for a successful and satisfying meal.

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