How To Cook A Whole Chicken In A Pressure Cooker?

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How To Cook A Whole Chicken In A Pressure Cooker

Cooking a whole chicken can be a daunting task, but with a pressure cooker, you can have a flavorful and tender chicken in no time. Pressure cooking is a fast and efficient way to cook a whole chicken without sacrificing taste or texture. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of cooking a whole chicken in a pressure cooker, from preparation to serving.

How To Cook A Whole Chicken In A Pressure Cooker?

How To Cook A Whole Chicken In Pressure Cooker

Choosing The Right Pressure Cooker

A pressure cooker is an essential kitchen appliance for any home cook. When choosing a pressure cooker for cooking a whole chicken, you need to consider the size, material, and safety features. You can choose between electric or stovetop pressure cookers, but make sure to pick one with at least a 6-quart capacity to accommodate a whole chicken.

Selecting The Perfect Whole Chicken

When selecting a whole chicken, choose a fresh chicken that is plump and has a healthy pink color. Avoid any chicken that has a slimy or discolored skin or an unpleasant odor. If you have a preference for organic or free-range chicken, make sure to choose that when shopping.

Preparing The Whole Chicken

Before cooking the chicken, remove the giblets and any excess fat from the cavity. Rinse the chicken under cold water and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Seasoning The Chicken

To add flavor to the chicken, you can season it with your favorite spices and herbs. You can also stuff the chicken cavity with aromatics such as garlic, onion, lemon, or herbs like rosemary, thyme, or sage.

Adding Liquid To The Pressure Cooker

To prevent the chicken from sticking to the pressure cooker, add a cup of liquid such as chicken broth, water, or wine to the bottom of the pot. You can also add vegetables such as carrots, celery, or onion for extra flavor.

Setting The Pressure Cooker

Close the lid of the pressure cooker securely and set the pressure according to your pressure cooker’s instructions. For cooking a whole chicken, set the pressure to high and cook for 25 minutes per pound.

Cooking The Whole Chicken

Once you have set the pressure, turn on the heat and let the pressure cooker come to pressure. Once the pressure has been reached, the cooking time will start. You can monitor the pressure by checking the pressure gauge or indicator on your pressure cooker.

Releasing Pressure And Removing the Chicken

Once the cooking time is over, turn off the heat and let the pressure release naturally for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can release any remaining pressure by using the quick-release valve according to your pressure cooker’s instructions. Once the pressure has been fully released, open the lid and remove the chicken from the pressure cooker.

Resting The Chicken

To allow the juices to settle, let the chicken rest for at least 10 minutes before carving.

Carving The Chicken

To carve the chicken, remove the legs, wings, and breasts, and then slice the meat as desired.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the chicken with your favorite sides such as roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, or rice. You can also serve the chicken with a sauce or gravy made from the liquid remaining in the pressure cooker.

Storing Leftovers

If you have leftovers, store the chicken in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. You can also freeze the chicken for up to 3 months.

Tips For Cooking A Whole Chicken In A Pressure Cooker

Tips For Cooking A Whole Chicken In A Pressure Cooker

  • If the chicken is too large for your pressure cooker, you can cut it into pieces to fit.
  • Always use a meat thermometer to check the chicken’s internal temperature. The chicken should have an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).
  • Do not overcrowd the pressure cooker as it can affect the cooking time and pressure release.
  • Be careful when releasing the pressure from the pressure cooker as the steam can cause burns.
  • For a crispy skin, you can brown the chicken in the oven or under the broiler for a few minutes after cooking in the pressure cooker.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cook a frozen whole chicken in a pressure cooker?

No, it is not safe to cook a frozen chicken in a pressure cooker. The chicken needs to be completely thawed before cooking.

How long does it take to cook a whole chicken in a pressure cooker?

The cooking time for a whole chicken in a pressure cooker is 25 minutes per pound on high pressure.

Can I use the liquid left in the pressure cooker for gravy?

Yes, you can use the liquid left in the pressure cooker to make a delicious gravy.

Can I stuff the chicken before cooking in a pressure cooker?

No, you should not stuff the chicken before cooking in a pressure cooker as it can affect the cooking time and pressure release.

How do I know if the chicken is fully cooked?

Use a meat thermometer to check the chicken’s internal temperature. The chicken should have an internal temperature of 165°F (75°C).


Cooking a whole chicken in a pressure cooker is a fast and efficient way to get a tender and flavorful chicken on the table. With the right pressure cooker, seasoning, and cooking time, you can have a delicious chicken in no time. Follow the tips and steps outlined in this article, and you’ll be a pressure cooking pro in no time.

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