How To Cook Beetroot In Pressure Cooker?

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How To Cook Beetroot In Pressure Cooker

Beetroot is a healthy and nutritious vegetable that can be cooked in various ways. One of the easiest and most convenient ways to cook beetroot is by using a pressure cooker. Pressure cooking is a fast and efficient method that helps retain the nutrients and flavor of the beetroot. In this article, we will guide you on how to cook beetroot in a pressure cooker step by step.

Benefits of Cooking Beetroot in a Pressure Cooker

Cooking beetroot in a pressure cooker has several benefits, such as:

  • Saves time: Pressure cooking reduces the cooking time of beetroot by up to 50%, making it a quick and convenient method.
  • Retains nutrients: Pressure cooking helps retain the nutrients and flavor of the beetroot.
  • Tenderizes the vegetable: Pressure cooking helps tenderize the beetroot, making it easier to digest and chew.

Equipment Required

To cook beetroot in a pressure cooker, you will need the following equipment:

  • Pressure cooker
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Bowl

Ingredients Required

To cook beetroot in a pressure cooker, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 medium-sized beetroot
  • 2 cups of water

Steps To Cook Beetroot In Pressure Cooker

Steps To Cook Beetroot In Pressure Cooker

Follow these simple steps to cook beetroot in a pressure cooker:

  1. Wash the beetroot thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Peel the beetroot using a knife or a peeler. You can also leave the skin on if you prefer.
  3. Cut the beetroot into small or medium-sized pieces, depending on your preference.
  4. Add 2 cups of water to the pressure cooker.
  5. Place the beetroot pieces in the pressure cooker.
  6. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and cook the beetroot on high heat for 10 minutes.
  7. Turn off the heat and let the pressure cooker cool down naturally.
  8. Once the pressure has been released, open the lid of the pressure cooker.
  9. Using a spoon, remove the beetroot from the pressure cooker and place it in a bowl.
  10. Your pressure-cooked beetroot is now ready to be served.

Tips And Tricks For Perfect Beetroot

Tips And Tricks For Perfect Beetroot

Here are some tips and tricks to help you cook perfect beetroot in a pressure cooker:

  • Choose beetroot that is fresh and firm.
  • Cut the beetroot into small or medium-sized pieces to ensure even cooking.
  • Do not overcook the beetroot as it may become mushy.
  • Let the pressure cooker cool down naturally to avoid any accidents.
  • Use a knife or a peeler to peel the beetroot to avoid wasting any of the vegetable.

Serving Suggestions

Pressure-cooked beetroot can be served in various ways, such as:

  • Chopped in salads
  • Pureed in soups
  • Roasted with other vegetables
  • Served as a side dish with grilled meat or fish

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it necessary to peel the beetroot before cooking it in a pressure cooker?

It is recommended to peel the beetroot before cooking it in a pressure cooker. However, you can leave the skin on if you prefer.

How long does it take to cook beetroot in a pressure cooker?

It takes approximately 10 minutes to cook beetroot in a pressure cooker.

Can I add spices or seasoning to the beetroot while cooking it in a pressure cooker?

Yes, you can add your favorite spices or seasoning to the beetroot while cooking it in a pressure cooker. This will add more flavor to the vegetable.

Can I cook other vegetables along with beetroot in a pressure cooker?

Yes, you can cook other vegetables along with beetroot in a pressure cooker. However, make sure to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Can I freeze pressure-cooked beetroot?

Yes, you can freeze pressure-cooked beetroot. Make sure to store it in an airtight container or freezer bag and label it with the date.

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Cooking beetroot in a pressure cooker is a quick and easy method that helps retain the nutrients and flavor of the vegetable. By following the simple steps mentioned in this article, you can cook perfect beetroot in a pressure cooker in no time. Experiment with different spices and serving suggestions to enjoy this healthy and delicious vegetable in various ways.

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