How To Make Perfect Pulled Pork In A Slow Cooker?

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How To Make Perfect Pulled Pork In A Slow Cooker

Pulled pork is a delicious and flavorful dish that is perfect for a family dinner, a party, or any other occasion. Making it in a slow cooker is a simple and easy way to achieve that perfect tender and juicy texture. In this article, we’ll take you through step-by-step instructions on how to make the perfect pulled pork in a slow cooker.

How To Make Perfect Pulled Pork In A Slow Cooker?

How To Make Perfect Pulled Pork In Slow Cooker


To make pulled pork in a slow cooker, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Pork shoulder or pork butt (boneless or bone-in)
  • Brown sugar
  • Paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Liquid smoke
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Worcestershire sauce

Choosing The Right Cut Of Pork

The best cut of pork for making pulled pork is the shoulder or the butt. These cuts have a good amount of fat and connective tissue, which makes them perfect for slow cooking. You can choose bone-in or boneless, depending on your preference. Bone-in pork takes longer to cook, but it adds more flavor to the dish.

Preparing The Meat

Before you start cooking the pork, you need to prepare it first. Trim any excess fat from the meat and remove the skin if it has it. Pat the meat dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.

Preparing The Rub

The rub is the key to adding flavor to the pork. To make the rub, mix together brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. You can adjust the amount of each ingredient according to your taste.

Applying The Rub

Rub the mixture all over the pork, making sure to cover every surface. You can also use your hands to massage the rub into the meat. Cover the meat with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or up to overnight.

Adding Liquid To The Slow Cooker

To prevent the meat from drying out during the cooking process, you need to add liquid to the slow cooker. Mix together liquid smoke, apple cider vinegar, ketchup, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce in a bowl. Pour the mixture into the slow cooker and spread it out evenly.

Cooking The Pork

Place the pork in the slow cooker and set it on low heat. Cook the pork for 8-10 hours or until it is tender and falling apart.

Checking The Temperature

To make sure that the pork is fully cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. The temperature should reach at least 190°F (88°C) for the meat to be fully cooked and tender.

Resting The Pork

Once the pork is cooked, remove it from the slow cooker and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful dish.

Shredding The Pork

Using two forks, shred the pork into small pieces. You can also use a meat shredder or your hands if the meat is cool enough. Make sure to remove any excess fat or connective tissue as you shred the meat.

Serving Suggestions

Pulled pork can be served in a variety of ways. Some popular serving suggestions include:

  • On a toasted bun with coleslaw and BBQ sauce
  • On top of a baked potato with sour cream and chives
  • With macaroni and cheese for a classic southern dish
  • In a quesadilla with cheese and avocado
  • In a salad with mixed greens and a vinaigrette dressing


If you have any leftovers, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. You can also freeze the pulled pork for up to 3 months. To reheat, simply place the meat in a saucepan with a little bit of liquid and heat on low heat until heated through.



If your pulled pork turns out dry or tough, there could be a few reasons why. One common mistake is not adding enough liquid to the slow cooker. Make sure to add enough liquid to cover the bottom of the slow cooker. You can also try adding more liquid halfway through the cooking process. Another reason could be cooking the pork for too long or at too high of a temperature. Make sure to follow the recipe and check the temperature regularly to avoid overcooking the meat.


Can I use a different cut of pork?

Yes, you can use a different cut of pork, but it may not turn out as tender or flavorful. Stick with the shoulder or butt for the best results.

Can I omit the liquid smoke?

Yes, you can omit the liquid smoke, but it adds a smoky flavor to the dish that is hard to replicate with other ingredients.

Can I cook the pork on high heat?

Yes, you can cook the pork on high heat, but it may result in a drier and less tender dish. Low and slow is the best way to achieve the perfect pulled pork.

Can I use a different type of vinegar?

Yes, you can use a different type of vinegar, but apple cider vinegar adds a subtle sweetness that complements the pork.

Can I make pulled pork in an instant pot?

Yes, you can make pulled pork in an instant pot, but the cooking time and liquid requirements may differ. Follow a recipe specifically designed for an instant pot for best results.


Making pulled pork in a slow cooker is a simple and easy way to achieve a tender and juicy dish. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can make the perfect pulled pork every time. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different rubs and serving suggestions to find your perfect recipe.

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