How To Use An Electric Pressure Cooker?

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How To Use An Electric Pressure Cooker

Electric pressure cookers are becoming increasingly popular in kitchens around the world, and for good reason. They offer a convenient and efficient way to cook a variety of dishes, from stews and soups to rice and meat. However, many people are intimidated by these appliances and are unsure how to use them. In this article, we will walk you through the process of using an electric pressure cooker, from setting it up to cooking a meal, so you can start taking advantage of its many benefits.

What is an Electric Pressure Cooker?

An electric pressure cooker is a kitchen appliance that cooks food quickly using high pressure and steam. It consists of a pot with a tightly sealed lid that locks in steam and pressure. The pot is heated by an electric element and controlled by a computerized panel, allowing you to set the cooking time, pressure level, and other parameters.

Benefits of Using an Electric Pressure Cooker

Using an electric pressure cooker has many benefits, including:

  • Saving time: Electric pressure cookers can cook food up to 70% faster than traditional cooking methods, making them a great time-saver for busy people.
  • Retaining nutrients: Pressure cooking can help retain the nutrients in food better than boiling or steaming.
  • Energy-efficient: Electric pressure cookers use less energy than stovetop cooking, making them an eco-friendly option.
  • Versatile: Electric pressure cookers can cook a variety of foods, from soups and stews to meat and rice.
  • Easy to use: Electric pressure cookers are easy to use, and many models come with pre-programmed settings for different types of food.

Choosing the Right Electric Pressure Cooker

When choosing an electric pressure cooker, consider the following factors:

  • Size: Choose a size that suits your cooking needs. Most electric pressure cookers come in sizes ranging from 4 to 8 quarts.
  • Features: Look for features that will make cooking easier, such as pre-programmed settings, a delay timer, and a keep-warm function.
  • Brand: Choose a reputable brand with good customer reviews.
  • Price: Electric pressure cookers range in price from around £50 to £300.

How To Use An Electric Pressure Cooker?

How To Use An Electric Pressure Cooker

Using an electric pressure cooker is easy, and the process can be broken down into four simple steps.

Setting Up The Pressure Cooker

Before using your electric pressure cooker, read the manufacturer’s instructions and familiarize yourself with the parts and functions. Make sure the sealing ring and pressure release valve are properly installed and the cooking pot is in good condition.

Adding Ingredients

Add the ingredients to the cooking pot, following the recipe instructions. Be sure not to fill the pot more than two-thirds full, as this could cause the food to overflow during cooking.

Setting The Cooking Time And Pressure Level

Set the cooking time and pressure level using the controls on the pressure cooker. Many electric pressure cookers come with pre-programmed settings for different types of food, such as meat, rice, and soup. If your recipe does not specify a cooking time or pressure level, consult the manual that came with your pressure cooker or refer to cooking charts for guidance.

Releasing Pressure

Once the cooking time is up, release the pressure using the quick release or natural release method. Quick release involves turning the pressure release valve to release the steam quickly. Natural release involves letting the pressure cooker sit for a few minutes to release the steam slowly. Be sure to follow the recipe instructions for releasing pressure, as releasing pressure too quickly can cause food to overcook or undercook.

Tips For Cooking With An Electric Pressure Cooker

Tips For Cooking With An Electric Pressure Cooker

To get the most out of your electric pressure cooker, consider the following tips:

  • Use enough liquid: Be sure to add enough liquid to the cooking pot to create steam, as this is what creates the pressure that cooks the food.
  • Don’t overfill the pot: Avoid filling the pot more than two-thirds full to prevent food from overflowing during cooking.
  • Use the right cooking time: Refer to cooking charts or recipe instructions to determine the appropriate cooking time for your dish.
  • Brown meat first: For best results, brown meat in the pressure cooker using the sauté function before pressure cooking.
  • Allow for natural release: For certain dishes, such as rice, it is best to allow for natural release of pressure rather than using the quick release method.

Cleaning and Maintenance

To keep your electric pressure cooker in good condition, follow these tips:

  • Clean the pressure cooker after each use, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Remove and clean the sealing ring regularly to prevent odours from building up.
  • Check the pressure release valve and safety features regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.
  • Store the pressure cooker in a dry, cool place when not in use.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues with your electric pressure cooker, consider the following tips:

  • Check the sealing ring and pressure release valve to ensure they are properly installed.
  • Check the cooking pot for damage or wear and tear.
  • Check the manual or recipe instructions for guidance on troubleshooting specific issues.
  • Contact the manufacturer for help if the issue persists.


Is it safe to use an electric pressure cooker?

Yes, electric pressure cookers are generally safe to use as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take necessary precautions.

How long does it take to cook a meal in an electric pressure cooker?

The cooking time will depend on the recipe and the pressure level you choose. However, electric pressure cookers can cook food up to 70% faster than traditional cooking methods.

Can I cook frozen food in an electric pressure cooker?

Yes, you can cook frozen food in an electric pressure cooker. However, you will need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Can I use an electric pressure cooker for canning?

No, electric pressure cookers are not recommended for canning as they do not reach the necessary pressure levels for safe canning.

Can I use an electric pressure cooker for baking?

While some electric pressure cookers come with baking functions, they are not ideal for baking as they do not provide the same level of heat control as an oven.


Using an electric pressure cooker is a convenient and efficient way to cook a variety of dishes. By following the steps outlined in this article and taking advantage of the tips and tricks provided, you can start enjoying the benefits of pressure cooking in no time.

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